Friday, 3 August 2012

Home sweet Home

Hi! I came back from my hols yesterday, I had a such a great time but it was boiling I was kinda of looking forward to coming back home because of the cold weather in england but when i get off the plane it was was freezing, but it looks quite warm today. Anyway i would show you a few of my holiday snaps but i cant find my camera at the moment so yeh. I'll leave you with an OOTD.

Top- new look
Belt- dont know

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

I just wanted to say...

Hiya I know I haven't been posting for a while but I will start to post a lot more if you have any ideas what you would like me to post about I would really appreciate it because I am running out of ideas x Anyway tomorrow I am of on holiday to spain not exactly sure were but I can't wait, I've bought lots of new clothes that I really wanted to show you but I have already packed my suitcase :( I'm hoping that I will be able to post while I'm on holiday so I can show you some pics. I would also like to say a big thanks to all my followers I'd never thought I'd get this many, my goal is 100 and I'm not that far of so if you like my blog please follow and I'd be sure to return the favour.

Here is my ootd

shorts-made from old pair of jeans
Necklace-Dorothy perkins

Monday, 9 July 2012

♥ Mini haul ♥

hiya, sorry for the blogging absence. anyway heres is the stuuf i bought when i went shopping a few days ago, there was a few more things but yeh most of the stuff is for my holiday in 9 days now!! x cant wait so there may not be anyposts for 2 weeks, depends if i can get the internet over there.

topshop £7 in the sale.

primark £3 in the sale

 Body shop £2 in the sale

Sunday, 17 June 2012

♥ Weekend Wishlist #3 ♥

hi sorry i havent been posting for a bit. Here is my weekened wishlist.

£7.99 internacionale
£8.86 ONLY ( in the sale)
£11 Rock n rose
£19 punky allsorts

£19.99 Bershka

£7.99 She likes

£8 pop coture

thanks for reading please follow on tumblr

Monday, 11 June 2012

♥ Revlon lip butter ♥

hiya!! i got this revlon lip butter a couple of days ago. I have seen loads of posts about it so i thought i should go and get one. it was £2 off so it was only £6 baragin!! i went for a bright shade. i love bright colours so yeh....

I got shade 90 sweeet tart

I'll probably do a review of this in a couple of days

I now have tumblr and would really appreciate it if you follow me

♥ Amazing Skirt ♥

hiya readers! A really quick post today. this is Madiis skirt. I borrowed it for a party. I absolutely love it!!!!!!!!!! i love all the colours and the pattern, i want ti so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 xx

here are some pics. 

i now have tumblr and really appreciate if you follow me

thanks i will follow back xx

Sunday, 3 June 2012

♥ Cute Cupcake NOTD! ♥

Hi my exams are finally over and its now half term!! :) I havent posted for a couple of weeks wich is really bad but i will be posting more frequently now. Anyway here is my NOTD... this is probably the first time i have done proper nail art so it went a bit wrong..

This is the first time and it went a bit messy i have just done my thumb now to show you how tot do this.

1. Paint your nail any colour you want i chose pink. I applied 2 coats but its up to you.

2. Choose another colour and paint the top half of your nail.

3.Then add a dot of red to the top of your nail foor a cherry.

4. Then choose any colour I chose blue and put fots randomly for sprinkles.

5. Then pick another colour and draw lines on the bottom half of your nail.

and thats it here are the colours i used...

thanks for reading x

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

♥ Summer Inspiration ♥

Hi a bit of a quick post today as I am suppose to be revising for exams. The weather has been quite warm lately and i really want it to stay that way. Here are a few pics...

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Weekend Wishlist ♥

hi again sorry i havent been posting lately exmas coming up soon, but here is my weekend wishlist.

1) Corset-Topshop
I love the bright colours on this.

2) Vans
I have wanted vans for ages and I love the colour of these ones I hope to get them soon.

3) Shoes-vivaladiva
I love these shoes they are so cute especially the little cown which I dont think you can see very well on the picture.

4) Barrym lipstick
I have seen this on a lot of blogs and I really want to try it.

5) Leggings-topshop
I've been meaning to buy some leggings like this but havent had the chance.

6)Models own nail polish
I love the colour of this one.

Thanks for reading. X

Sunday, 13 May 2012

100 things i love

Hi i havent posted in ages i am really sorry!! The posts may be less and less because i have exams soon. anyway i would like to say a big thanks to my 54 followers!!  here is part 2



#13making jewelry

#14 ice skating

#15 converse

#16 nail art


#18 sunset

#19 surfing

#20 the voice

thanks for reading!!!

Monday, 7 May 2012

Mini Haul!

hi! sorry i havent been posting that much lately but i will try and post more often. Today i thought i would show you the things i bought when i went shopping today and a few of the thing where from last week when i went shopping!

I got this from boots it smell amzing!
I love this purse and was a great bargain at £4 from primark.

Ii bought these 2 nail polishes at £1.99 each from miss sporty i havent tried them yet so dont know if there any good.

 I got this free with the nailpolishes

primark £1.50

i also bought a top fom new look £6 in the sale it is the top in my previous post